Princeton Animal Hospital & Carnegie Cat Clinic
Please save this blood work summary for when the doctor calls with your pet's lab results!
Complete Blood Count (CBC): The tests components are:
Red Blood Cells (RBC): carry oxygen to the tissue of the body and transport carbon dioxide to be exhaled by the lungs. Anemia results when red blood cells are not present in sufficient numbers. Determination of the cause of anemia is vital.
White Blood Cells (WBC): play a major role in your pet’s immune system function. Normal baseline levels are very important to determine the importance of changes seen with infection or inflammation.
Platelets: are crucial components of the blood clotting system. Adequate numbers must be present to stop bleeding.
Chemistry Blood Tests:
These tests allow the veterinarian to evaluate organ function and blood sugar in the body. Elements we evaluatefor include:
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT): Increased enzymes may be a sign of liver damage or disease.
Albumin (Alb): Low levels can indicate liver, kidney, or intestinal disease.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): Elevations can indicate liver inflammation or decreased bile flow caused by liver disease or hormonal disorders.
Amylase: Amylase is an enzyme produced to help digest food. Elevated levels can indicate disease of the pancreas, intestines, or kidneys.
Calcium: Calcium is important to monitor for early signs of certain cancers. Imbalances of calcium and phosphorus levels are indicative of certain metabolic diseases.
Electrolytes (Na+ / K+): Potassium levels are important for normal muscle function and heart rate. Sodium levels are important for body fluid balance. Both are critical to your pet’s health.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): BUN is made by the liver and removed from the body by the kidneys. It helps evaluate for diseases of both organs.
Cholesterol (Chol): Elevated levels may be an indication of a variety of disorders including hypothyroidism in dogs, and liver and kidney disease.
Creatinine (Cre): An important value to monitor kidney function.
Globulin (Glob): A body protein that indicates problems such as infection or inflammation.
Glucose: Elevated levels can indicate problems such as diabetes. Low levels can be associated with liver disease and other issues.
Phosphorus (Phos): Important to monitor for kidney disease as well as its balance with calcium to monitor many conditions.
Thyroxin (T4): An excellent screening test for the function of the thyroid gland in dogs and cats.
Total Bilirubin (TBIL): An important value to evaluate liver function.
Total Protein: We utilize this value to determine many conditions such as anemia, and diseases of the liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract.
Triglycerides: The triglyceride level is a blood test to measure the number of triglycerides in your blood. Triglycerides are a type of fat.
Urine Testing:
Specific Gravity: A urine-specific gravity test compares the density of urine to the density of water. This quick test can help determine how efficiently the kidneys are diluting the urine
PH: The acidity of your pet’s urine
Protein: On a dipstick test, protein should not be routinely found in urine. A positive test for protein in the urine may be an indication of a bacterial infection, kidney disease or blood in the urine.
Glucose: The presence of urinary glucose is a primary screening test for diabetes mellitus.
Struvite or Crystals: When the urine pH strays from the normal range, it is possible that the normal elements that are naturally suspended in urine bind together to form crystals or stones. In dogs, the seed of a stone may bebacteria.
Bacteria: May be an indication of an infection. If bacteria are found in the urine sample, a urine culture and sensitivity may be recommended to further identify the bacteria and aid in the selection of the best antibiotic to resolve the infection.